When it comes to digital transformation, many people are worried about whether integrating more digital procedures will benefit their company but, more importantly, how they can start this process. There are many factors to take into consideration when undergoing digital transformation. However, to kickstart the transformation and ensure you company is off to the best start, there are three vital starting points:
1. Create clear objectives
First and the most critical success factor is that, as a company you need to know where your business is going and what you want to achieve. Always find your ‘why’. Why do you want to undergo a digital transformation? What are the benefits for it? How will it help your company?
You may be looking at digital transformation due to supply and demand. New collaboration needs arising from changing business environment may be the driving force behind your transformation initiative. Or, in an ever-changing technical world, your company may need to keep up with the competitors to ensure it remains profitable. Whatever the reason behind your digital transformation efforts, you must make sure that it is reflects your objectives clearly.
2. Gather information about your business
To get started you need to ensure you have all the necessary information to kickstart the transformation. The UK government shared the 7 Lenses Maturity Matrix , which outlines 7 key categories when it comes to undergoing business changes; for example, as you can see, the 7th category is people, within this are levels 1-5 which you can measure your business performance on and how you can improve.
You can also use the SWOT process to gather information. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Identify each of these areas will show you what you do well as a business and where you can improve. Then you can investigate what your key competitors or similar organisations are doing and what your customers want. This will not only help you find a core focus, but it will enable you to analyse your business performance to date and how you can evolve with the constant changes in technology. Having clear, outlined core focuses as you start to plan the transformation will ensure you have stable groundwork to be successful in your transformation.
3. Define a clear structure
Lastly, a clear structure is needed for you to know all stages and deadlines in your transformation roadmap. A timeline outlining each step and the requirements will not only help your business kickstart the process successfully but will also make it smooth and efficient. It is important you have a clear vison of how your company operates and what your aim is for the future. You need a clear vision; it needs to be short and sweet so the meaning is not lost, and everyone, including employees and customers, must understand what you and your company is hoping to improve on.
You also need support from a high-level employee to ensure the policies and procedures you are amending are approved. This will give you the necessary support to kickstart a successful digital transformation.
In conclusion, as with everything, these changes will not happen overnight, digital transformation will be an ongoing process, as you continue to adapt and learn what works for you and your business. You just need to ensure you have a clear ‘why’, final goal, and a clear roadmap to achieve this before starting.