Document Capture & Classification

Transform Your Workflow with Intelligent Document Capture & Classification

Leverage the power of PaperWorkBPM to streamline your document management processes, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Capture, classify, access.

PaperWorkBPM’s Document Capture & Classification system is designed to revolutionize the way you handle your business documents. Our solution not only automates the document capture process but also intelligently classifies them for easy retrieval and efficient workflow management. 

Automated Document Capture

Eliminate manual data entry and streamline your document capture process with PaperWorkBPM.

Intelligent Document Classification

Our system uses advanced algorithms to classify your documents accurately, saving you time and effort.

Improved Efficiency

By automating document capture and classification, you can significantly reduce the time spent on document management, leading to improved operational efficiency.

Enhanced Accuracy

With our intelligent system, you can minimize human errors and ensure the accuracy of your document management process.

Seamless Integration

Our system can seamlessly integrate with your existing business applications, providing a unified document management solution.

Our Special Features

PaperWorkBPM's Document Capture & Classification system is packed with features designed to transform your document management process. 

Automated Document Capture

Our system can automatically capture documents from various sources, including emails, scanners, and shared folders.

Intelligent Document Classification

Using advanced algorithms, our system can accurately classify documents based on their content and metadata.

OCR Capabilities

With Optical Character Recognition (OCR), our system can extract text from scanned documents and images, making them searchable.

Metadata Extraction

Our system can automatically extract key metadata from documents, facilitating efficient document retrieval.

Batch Processing

Handle large volumes of documents with ease using our batch processing feature.

User-friendly Interface

Our intuitive user interface makes it easy for anyone in your organization to use the system.

Audit Trails

Keep track of all actions performed on your documents with our comprehensive audit trails.

Security and Compliance

With robust security measures and compliance features, you can ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your documents.

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Remember, with PaperWorkBPM, you're not just investing in a tool

you're investing in a solution that adapts to your needs, grows with your business, and delivers tangible results. Get in touch with us today to learn more.